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Checklist of Documentary Requirements on Foreclosure Sale of Real Property – PhilippinesChecklist of Documentary Requirements on Foreclosure Sale of Real Property – Philippines

A. Mandatory Requirements – Taxable/Exempt Tin of Mortgagee and BuyerNotarized Deed of Consolidation, if any, but only photocopied documents shall be retained by the BIR.Certified True Copy of the latest Tax Declaration issued by the Local Assessor’s Office for land and improvement relevant to the date of transaction.Sheriff’s Certificate of

Checklist of Documentary Requirements (CDR) Donor’s Tax (Philippines)Checklist of Documentary Requirements (CDR) Donor’s Tax (Philippines)

Documentary Requirement – Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Philippines A. Mandatory Requirements (Taxable/Exempt) B. Additional Requirements: If applicable For Personal Properties Proof of valuation of shares of stock at the time of donation a. For listed stocks – certification of the price index from the PSE/latest FMV publishes in newspapers

Checklist of Documentary Requirements – Estate TaxChecklist of Documentary Requirements – Estate Tax

A. Mandatory Requirements (Taxable/Exempt) Tin of EstatePhotocopy of the death certificate, subject to presentation of the originalany of the following:Affidavit of self adjudicationDeed of extra judicial settlement of the estate, if the estate has been settled extra judiciallycourt order if settled judiciallysworn declaration of all properties of the estateOfficial receipts/deposit