Checklist of Documentary Requirements on Foreclosure Sale of Real Property – Philippines

A. Mandatory Requirements – Taxable/Exempt

Tin of Mortgagee and Buyer
Notarized Deed of Consolidation, if any, but only photocopied documents shall be retained by the BIR.
Certified True Copy of the latest Tax Declaration issued by the Local Assessor’s Office for land and improvement relevant to the date of transaction.
Sheriff’s Certificate of Sale or Final Order of the Court confirming the Sale
Owner’s copy for presentation purposes only together with the photocopy thereof for authentication on Certified True Copy of Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT), Condominium Certificate of Title (CCT), Original Certificate of Title (OCT)
Sworn Declaration of No Improvement by at least one (1) of the transferees or Certificate of No Improvement issues by the Assessor’s Office, if applicable
Official Receipt/Deposit Slip and duly validated return as proof of payment

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